Monday, April 21, 2008

Kanyon Russell Gwilliam

Like the discovery of the first working light bulb (with the flip of a switch) we became different people. We are now the proudest parents ever!!! We now understand what a positive life-changing event we have been working towards these last 9 months! My hat goes off to my fellow parents. We are all truly blessed! We can't wait to show him off at MaryAnn's Graduation! Thank you for the prayers and strength we felt you all radiating towards us. We couldn't have done it without our Family of Friends.

Love and Miss You all!

Cynthia, Aaron and of course Kanyon


russandkatie said...

He is soooooooooo cute!!! I can't wait to meet him!!! Parenthood really is the best and it's great that you have each other to share it with, that makes it even better!

Dane said...

How adorable. What a cutie. He's super lucky to have great parents like you guys to take care of him!!! Love you guys. :o)

Shannon said...

Congratulations! He's a beautiful boy. Enjoy each moment! Much love being sent your way.

Danielle said...

Wow! Congratulations! I'm SOO happy for you, Aaron!