Saturday, August 23, 2008

An Abegg Update

Well, it's been quite busy around here. I finished all of my classes, so I am officially graduated from college. Yeah! :o) Dane has 6 more classes to go and he will be done in April. Dane decided to get his degree in English Literature, rather than English Education. We are changing directions a bit and seeing what comes of it. We continue to add little updates to our townhome and are trying to get it ready to have some renters within the next year or so. We have contemplated going back east and working for the summer or spending some time in Europe. All good options, we'll just have to see what feels best, when we make our final decisions. Regardless, we have been enjoying figuring things out and gearing up for new possibilities.
:o) I thought that I would add a picture of Dane's cooking. I have come home to a cooked meal, more often than I have cooked a meal, myself!

1 comment:

russandkatie said...

That looks yummy, what a great husband!!! Can I come over for dinner???