Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Neil and Pam on the move again! Yeah!

Hello Everyone,
What a wonderful world where we can connect like this.
Neil and I are almost packed and in storage thanks to Aaron and Cynthia.
Our new address for the summer is 287 S Montgomery Street, Ojai CA, 93023.
Neil's new phone number is 714-225-9931 and mine is still 801-599-8713.
What excitement this last few months has brought for us. A new job for Neil and a new job for me.
Aaron and Cynthia moving to Salt Lake. Dave and Shannon getting married and having a baby. Mike and Andrea dating and having fun. Amy and Sam moving to Georgia. Justin and Di creating a wonderful home while Justin flies and Di makes beautiful smiles and they both love on those kids.
Katie and Russ graduating and a new home and a new baby on the way all while doing gymnastics. Mary Ann and Dane having a one year anniversary, moving and going to school and working. And Grandma and Grandpa Milner holding steady and loving us all.
I now have a Palm phone and Justin may be proud that I can even turn it on. (he has played video games with me)!
Ojai feels like home for us now and we look forward to seeing all of you over the summer either at your place or ours.
Love Mom and Dad, Neil and Pam


russandkatie said...

Wow, I'm impressed that mom was the first to make a post! Good job mom, your kids can still learn from you! Love you

Anonymous said...

Thanks Katie, and find out how to send grandchildren via FedEx!