Monday, October 1, 2007


Most of you are familiar with the Barney song, "I Love You" - if not you are missing out!! Ellie heard it for the first time a couple of months ago and has been obsessed with it. She sings it all the time and we have this toy that plays the tune that she carries around constantly. (I hid it the other day, don't tell her) So, she knows it and loves it to say the least.

Today as she was jumping on the bed with Jake while I folded laundry she started singing it, or so I thought. It was the correct tune, but the words were different. It's not uncommon for her to make up her own songs so I didn't think much of it at the time. A little later she started again and I paid closer attention this time. My sweet little make-up loving, purse carrying, 'pretty hair', cell phone obsessed princess was singing ...

"I love shoes, I love shoes, I love shoes, oh I love shoes, I want lots and lots of shoes oh yes I do - I love shoes oh I love shoes.

After I thought I figured it out (and stopped rolling on the floor) I repeated it back and asked her if that was her song. She did her little shy face with a big smile and said, "I love pretty shoes Mommy"

Yes that is Ellie in a nutshell. The funniest part about it is that I have no idea where she gets it from - I don't own a cell phone, am rearely even on the phone, don't carry a purse, have two pairs of 'pretty shoes' that come out on Sundays only, put make-up on about once a week on average, 99% of the time I am barefoot, and have diagnosed myself with an allergy to shoppping (I'd much rather mow the lawn or sew some curtains). So whoever is telepathing these girly princess messages better stop it or send some money along with!! :o)

Sam, you can start looking for that part time job we were discussing!!
Hope you all enjoyed this moment. I did and wanted to share.
Have a great day!
Amy :o)

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