Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Reeslyn couldn't decide which was more fun, handing out the candy to the trick or treaters or getting candy when she was trick or treating. Mallory just handed out candy with me and yes this is the only picture I was able to get of her with her costume on because the wings and antenna came off soon after it was taken.


Anonymous said...

Now that's what I'm talking about!
I do have the cutest grandkids in the whole world.

Di and Justin said...

can't wait to have Jocelyn be like Malory and Reeslyn and be into the dress up stuff, Jaden bought Jocelyn the princess shoes for Christmas (he was so excited to pay the Lady with his money).....the girls look sooo cute hope they had fun. And I have 3 unopened bags of Candy let me know and I will be happy to ship it your way.