Thursday, October 11, 2007

Jake's Art Gallery

If I had a digital camera I could send a picture but instead I'll paint you a picture with words :o)

Jake decided a while back that he was going to build sculptures of dinosaurs with little rocks. We took one of our rock collecting walks today with our Halloween pumpkins and while we were out we saw quite a few people. It was so cute, he told each one all about his whole process and how "it makes me a paleontologist like my brother, but I am going to be an astronaut and go to space too." One lady invited him to come pick through her rock garden and find some special ones. He was so thrilled and was telling her all about the different pieces of fossilized bone that each one would work for. He was just beaming!

Most of the rocks are no bigger than a pea and when we get home he sits on the front porch with them all dumped out and meticulously works with them until he has it just right. He really works very hard at it and when he's done it looks amazingly like a dinosaur. What a cute little artist and quite the conversationalist as well!

Kids are so great,
Amy :o)


russandkatie said...

he sounds very creative!

Anonymous said...

I love hearing these stories, keep them coming. Hugs to Jake!